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Consultații Live

Avocații din Rețeaua WOLEP, ce oferă Consultații Juridice Online, fie Live (video-audio), fie prin Redactarea Documentelor Juridice, sunt Avocați ce respectă un înalt standard de practică avocațială. Clienții ce au beneficiat până acum de Consultații Live sau Scrise din partea Avocaților parteneri ai WOLEP au acordat acestora un Rating de 9.82. Poți evita timpul pierdut cu deplasarea la biroul Avocatului și poți beneficia de Consultații juridice din partea Avoca...

Redactarea de documente juridice
Redactarea de documente juridice

Avocații Parteneri ai WOLEP care oferă Consultații Juridice Online, fie Live (video-audio), fie prin Redactarea de Documente Juridice, sunt Avocați ce respectă un înalt standard de practică avocațială. Clienții ce au beneficiat până acum de Consultații Live sau Scrise din partea Avocaților parteneri ai WOLEP au acordat acestora un Rating de 9.82. Ce este nevoie să faci: Alege un Avocat. Te poți ghida în alegerea Avocatului după onorariul perceput de Avocat, spe...

Caută un Avocat
Caută un Avocat

Rețeaua Internațională de Avocați WOLEP cuprinde Avocați din toate țările Uniunii Europene, ce au specializări în toate domeniile de practică avocațială. Avocații din Rețeaua Internațională de Avocați WOLEP au parcurs un proces riguros de selecție și astfel asigurăm un standard de practică avocațială ridicat. Prin intermediul motorului nostru de căutare poți efectua căutări care te vor ajuta să-ți alegi Avocatul cel mai potrivit cazului tău. Criteriile de ...

Echipa ta de avocați
Echipa ta de avocați

Rezultatele tale vor fi foarte bune dacă vei lucra cu Avocați Specializați. Domeniul juridic a devenit unul deosebit de complex și, din acest motiv, vei avea rezultate foarte bune dacă vei lucra cu o Echipă de Avocați, fiecare dintre aceștia fiind specializat în domeniul care te interesează pe tine și interesează situația în care te afli. Un singur Avocat care „le știe pe toate” nu este întotdeauna cea mai bună alegere. Cum îți construiești Echipa ta de Avocați? ...

Avocați specializați sunt pregătiți să se ocupe de problema ta juridică
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9,96 (9 Review-uri)
Una professionista molto disponibile, serietà ed eccellenza nel seguire il cliente con massima cura e attenzione. Analisi approfondita per ogni situazione e grande capacità di problem solving.
Orenada Dhimitri
Psicoterapeuta-Libera professionista
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10,00 (3 Review-uri)
Mrs. Carcota provided me with legal advice in matters of highly importance for my company with professionalism, efficiency and celerity and also very high standard of legal writing. Her legal advice helped me manage and mitigate the risks of corporate non-compliance and made excellent remedial work with respect to compliance failings.
Janice Adamicz
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10,00 (1 Review-uri)
Très bon
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8,00 (1 Review-uri)
Il a la passion de vous défendre et de soigner vos intérêts à tout prix, où que vous soyez
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9,60 (1 Review-uri)
Abogado multidisciplinar muy profesional
Fanny Porras Delgado-Ureña
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10,00 (3 Review-uri)
Kristian is an excellent lawyer with deep knowledge of Bulgarian law. He conducts himself in a very professional manner which made it easy to trust his consultation. He treated me with respect, answering my questions without a hint of condescendence or arrogance, even though some of them were probably quite silly.
Teodor Halvadzhiev
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10,00 (7 Review-uri)
Mr. Pezzuti is a highly skilled Lawyer and a great communicator. I was impressed by his knowledge, empathy and experience. I wholeheartedly recommend him!
Teodor Burnar
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10,00 (7 Review-uri)
Clear and quick handling of property gifting contract...
András Sz.
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10,00 (3 Review-uri)
My family had property right case in which we hired Tomislavka as our representative. She carried the case with professionalism and knowledge and helped us to get the outcome we hoped for. All recommendations from my side for Tomislavka!
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10,00 (3 Review-uri)
doskonały prawnik
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9,80 (2 Review-uri)
Muy profesional, competente y de calidad humana. Excelente servicio.
Der Wolf Products Erika S
Administración y logística
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10,00 (1 Review-uri)
I have had the privilege of collaborating with Jelena, and I must say that working together on our WOLEP Talk has been an absolute pleasure. Jelena's commitment to thoroughness and attention to detail is truly commendable. She approaches every task with a meticulous mindset, leaving no stone unturned and ensuring that every aspect is carefully considered and addressed. One of Jelena's greatest strengths lies in her exceptional networking skills. Her ability to connect and collaborate with individuals from diverse backgrounds greatly enhances her ability to provide comprehensive and well-rounded legal advice. Promptness is another area where Jelena truly excels. She demonstrated thus her strong sense of professionalism and respect for deadlines. Beyond her impressive professional skills, Jelena's friendly and approachable demeanor sets her apart. If you are looking for a dedicated and talented professional who consistently delivers outstanding results, Jelena is the one you want by your side.
Teodor Burnar
Chief of Content, WOLEP Network
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10,00 (1 Review-uri)
Croatia (Hrvatska)
Odlična usluga, svakako preporučam.
Zvonimir Perić
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10,00 (2 Review-uri)
Muy estudiosa y comprometida con su profesión.
Gonzalo Fernández
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10,00 (1 Review-uri)
Amazing professionalist!
S. Stoyanova
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10,00 (1 Review-uri)
Ms. Lucija Vranesevic Grbic is an exceptional lawyer that I highly recommend to anyone in need of legal services. She consistently demonstrated professionalism, politeness, promptness, and approachability in all our interactions, making my job much easier. She is a trustworthy person and a consummate professional, with exceptional attention to detail and proactive communication skills that set her apart as an exceptional legal advisor in both criminal law and tech law and corporate law respectively. I strongly recommend her services to anyone seeking a knowledgeable and dedicated lawyer.
Teodor Burnar
Chief of Content & Branding, WOLEP Network
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10,00 (3 Review-uri)
Mister Romeo Cosma was very straight forward and told me what to expect each step of the way, he kept me informed of each step and what the options were and what the risks were. Very satisfied!
Chivu Cristiana
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10,00 (1 Review-uri)
As a communications expert who had the pleasure of interviewing Mr. Dejan Zurovac from Novi Sad, Serbia, I can attest to his impressive professionalism and expertise in the complex field of urban planning and construction. During our conversation, Mr. Zurovac demonstrated a deep understanding of the legal and technical aspects of the projects he has worked on, and his ability to communicate complex issues in a clear and concise manner was highly effective. His attention to detail and commitment to delivering high-quality results were also evident, as were his exceptional interpersonal skills. Based on my experience, I would highly recommend Mr. Zurovac to anyone looking for a lawyer with extensive experience in urban planning and construction. His deep knowledge and expertise in the field are complemented by his excellent communication and interpersonal skills, making him a valuable asset to any team and client.
Teodor Burnar, PhD
Chief of Content at WOLEP
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10,00 (1 Review-uri)
In our legal problem, he informed us accurately and clearly and enabled our problem to be resolved in a short time.
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10,00 (4 Review-uri)
A very good lawyer! Extremely efficient and communicative. It helped me understand a very important situation for me.
Sorin Avramescu
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10,00 (1 Review-uri)
avvocato Tedioli
Gianni Ribolla
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9,20 (2 Review-uri)
Democratic Republic of the Congo
L'avocat Mikeba est compétent, diligent et professionnel dans sa collaboration avec ses clients.
Assistant à temps partiel à la faculté de droit de l'Université officielle de Bukavu.
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10,00 (2 Review-uri)
I hired Mrs. Ablai to settle a business dispute. She worked tirelessly to assure that the settlement was fair to me and enforceable. She was very responsive to my needs and I have recommended her to several colleagues.
Jennifer Lear
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10,00 (1 Review-uri)
Croatia (Hrvatska)
Great lawyer
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10,00 (1 Review-uri)
very professionnel
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10,00 (1 Review-uri)
North Macedonia
Ms. Minoska is an exceptionally skilled attorney and an outstanding communicator. I have been consistently impressed by her extensive knowledge, empathetic approach, and wealth of experience. Without hesitation, I wholeheartedly recommend her!
Adelina Zapis
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10,00 (1 Review-uri)
Democratic Republic of the Congo
Maitre Paul Kazadi est très disponible et très engagé dans sa relation professionnelle.
Kalanga Anne Marie
Mère au foyer
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10,00 (1 Review-uri)
I had the privilege of recently collaborating with Ms. Magdalena Sobolewska, and I am delighted to express my highest regard for her exceptional skills and professionalism. Magdalena's profound knowledge and expertise in the field of real estate make her an outstanding lawyer. What distinguishes Magdalena is her remarkable ability to effortlessly blend her extensive legal knowledge with a warm and approachable personality. Her adeptness at combining these qualities is truly remarkable. Additionally, I was greatly impressed by Magdalena's fluency and articulation in English, showcasing her excellent communication skills. Working alongside Magdalena was not only professionally enriching but also a truly enjoyable experience. I wholeheartedly endorse Magdalena as an invaluable asset to the legal profession and a trusted advocate for her clients.
Teodor Burnar
Chief of Content, WOLEP Network
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10,00 (1 Review-uri)
Buen profesional.
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